Virtual VMM® Skin Blend Class



Join Vicky on a virtual class as she teaches you her  amazing scar and skin camouflage techniques using her VMM Skin Blend method

In this jam-packed skin camouflage training you will learn:

*Understanding Skin an Scar types

*Why is this important to know?

*Types of breast reconstruction surgery

*Scar Types

*Consultation & how to manage client expectations


*Prepare the canvas

*Pre-treatment Advice for the Client


*Client records

*Client Connection & Empowerment

*Colour Theory & Pigment Selection

*Needles/choosing your paintbrush

*Machine Speed

*Hand Pressure

*Mat / Boob Mould Practise

*The Procedure – VMM Skin Fade™

*Scar Camouflage

*Scar Relaxation
