January 2017: Arkansas, USA
I travelled to Arkansas, USA, to deliver five days of intensive training. This was a new event as I brought back models from my class in July 2016 so the students could see how their work had healed.
This was such an amazing event. We practised with my new VMM® Breast Moulds.
So much love and so many great students. It’s nice knowing my style of 3D Areola is now spreading across the USA.

March 2017: A masterclass in Wokingham
This was a great event for students who were already trained and just wanted a one-day refresher. Students who were new to the medical field could stay for the second day and work on a live model.
April 2017: Barcelona, Spain
I was delighted to be asked to appear at a two-day conference in Spain. I had four hours on stage with a live model. The whole presentation was being shown on a screen with a Spanish translation, so I had to work with two presentations.
After the presentation, I stayed back for a couple of hours to complete the model’s other side. Spain is very strict with its procedures, and I had to do the whole areola tattooing from inside a glass box.

May 2017: UK Micropigmentation Awards
I was a Judge and speaker at the Micropigmentation UK Awards.
This event was a chance for me to talk about my VMM® method. I was really pleased that I also had time to inspire the audience and to use mind control to tie in the feeling of “I am totally amazing and skilled at doing this job” with the act of putting on a face mask.
This event was incredible for me to actually discuss what I find so important. Being the best artist in the world is pointless if you are too afraid to push through your comfort zone and say “Yes!” to things that scare you. I also talked about choosing your thoughts wisely. Don’t waste your time thinking about things you cannot change; learn and move forward more wisely. I had a great response and many people were inspired, which is great for me as I have a passion for living the best possible life.
In the evening, we had the awards ceremony. The winner of the Medical Award was one of my students, which made me very proud. She is going forward and changing lives for the better.
I’ve been invited back next year and I’m going to bring even more knowledge and empowerment to the event.

May 2017: Bucharest, Romania
This event was amazing, some great artists. The best from around the world. I had the chance of completing a VMM® 3d Areola on Stage for a woman who had waited 10 years to be complete again. There was so much love at this event, I have such fond memories and I learnt so much from the other artists. I highly recommend this event for learning new techniques.

June 2017: Rome, Italy
This was a full three days of learning. Thirteen speakers covering every area of Micropigmentation.
This event was a show stopper! Set in the heart of Rome in an amazing conference hotel, opening with classical singers and lots of live demonstrations. There were students from all over the world, including America, China and Tunisia.
I pushed my comfort zone and had everybody standing with facemasks on, placing “anchors” so they would remember how amazing they are whenever they put their facemasks on.
I had the pleasure of the Italian translator showing me the sights on the fourth day. Rome is an amazing place with so much history.

July 2017: Personal tattoo
I travelled to the USA and had a little break in LA and Vegas. I had to tattoo over the nipples I’d been practising on my leg before I could go in the pool!

July 2017: Arkansas USA, 2 Day Masterclass
Another great two-day training course in Arkansas. This was a nice event as some of the models from the first class in January came back for me to complete their treatments. One of my students travelled from Australia. Some of the students have been in the industry for over 12 years.

October 2017: Neuro-linguistic Programming and Hypnotherapy
This training was something I’m very passionate about. I believe we all have the ability to be the best version of ourselves, and that you get what you focus on.
I took this course not only to inspire people, but to help women who have had such a tough journey to love and believe in themselves. I “anchor” a feeling of power to when they look at the finished result.
I have had such passion in this field for such a long time and I wanted a qualification to confirm my knowledge.

October 2017: Hospital visit
I went to a hospital to watch nipples being created. It was an amazing experience to see how a nipple is created in the operating theatre. I was worried I may pass out! I was fine, and I loved watching how surgery can help strong women.

4th November 2017: World Conference Nouveau Contour, Amsterdam
The World Conference was two packed days of learning. There were three rooms, all showing different skills, including my VMM® Areola, scalp tattooing and permanent blusher. There were so many Nouveau Contour staff to help with anything you needed.
For this presentation, I decided to open with a power pose and some great music, to teach students to feel powerful and in control, along with my VMM® 3D Areola technique.
My sister Kerry came with me, and we had a great time dancing the evening away at the brilliant black-tie gala evening.

15th November 2017: Neuro-linguistic Programming Coaching
I went back to learn NLP coaching for two days. This was amazing to help me to coach people to answer their own issues, but also to help me with focusing on my business.
Then it was Christmas! A chance to relax and reflect on the past 12 months.
If you’ve been inspired to try any of my classes or to come and catch me speaking at a live event in 2018, please get in touch. I’d love to help you make this year as positive as possible.
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